Do you know you need to de-clutter but you just can’t seem to find the time?
And you know that once you do you will feel so much better!
Do you always find something better to do, maybe more fun?
Are you feeling overwhelmed and having a hard time getting started?
Or feeling the pressure and weight of just too much stuff?
There is no shame in the clutter in your life.
Everyone has something in their life that needs to be de-cluttered!
Maybe it's
your closet full of clothes you never wear
that catch-all drawer in the kitchen
your desk where you work
maybe your schedule
a toxic relationship
your finances or
your garage
Oh my goodness! Maybe it's all of the above and more!
Well, come do the 7-Day De-clutter Your Life Challenge with us!
There will be a Game and Prizes!
Let's get going and have a little fun too!
It’s time to just take the first step and start!
We’re here to help you get the momentum to START and KEEP on de-cluttering!
WHY De-clutter?
Less to clean!
Less stuff, less stress!
Helps you build self-confidence.
Less time wasted, less money spent.
Your focus can be put on what matters most.
Learn to make intentional choices of what to keep in your life.
May also improve your sleep, your eating habits and increase your energy.
These are just a few of the benefits of de-cluttering!
Our goal is to help you remove the things in your life or environment that are weighing you down!
You probably already know where you want to start!
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace...
1 Corinthians 14:33
We can't wait to hear how De-cluttering changes your life!